When you undergo treatment at Prestige Sports Massage Spinal Adjustment, it's more than just a sports massage. Our approach includes Instrument-assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM), a technique commonly utilized in physical therapy. IASTM functions similarly to a standard massage, but with the use of specialized instruments instead of a therapist's hands. One could describe IASTM as a modernized take on Gua Sha, grounded in anatomical reasoning. Its popularity is on the rise due to its effectiveness in addressing musculoskeletal conditions efficiently. In addition to sports massage, Gua Sha, and IASTM, we incorporate ultrasound therapy to complement the treatment. Ultrasound therapy is a gentle method used to aid in the healing process post-acute injury or chronic condition. It is frequently employed to address soft tissue issues like ligament sprains or muscle tears. Another component of our treatment is spinal manipulation therapy, a non-drug approach aimed at managing acute and chronic low-back, neck pain, and other musculoskeletal conditions. This therapy involves applying force to the spinal joints to target dysfunctional areas in the spine, with the goal of restoring structural integrity, alleviating pain, and kickstarting the body's natural healing processes. If you have any further inquiries or require more details, feel free to ask!

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